Skyla Talon

  • Ninja School and the True Heroes of Ninjago

    AU! A chain of events sends a couple of siblings to the Ninja Academy...as servants. However there is more to them than meets the eye, and with the search for the four ninjas that are supposed to guard the legendary green ninja, they MIGHT be the key to finding them. Too bad no one notices them. After all, it is the heroes of the country you want to hear about, not the servants!

  • Rising Generation: Book 1: Passing On the Torch

    Everything in Ninjago was peaceful until Lloyd showed up on Kai's front porch covered in his own blood. Using what little strength he had left, he warned the police officer that it was time to pass the torch on. The problem? None of the ninjas kids realize that they're 'boring' parents are ninjas...or that they have powers. Will light be able to beat the darkness this time around?

  • Rewrite: Barbie and her siblings star in: Barbie Princess of Gardania

    AU. Barbie is trying to find a new movie to work on when her parents suddenly die. Alone, Barbie concentrates on taking care of her younger siblings...only for her paternal grandparents that she didn't know existed to insist that they all move in with them. Barbie isn't too sure that they know how to care for eight minors though. Is everything up to her still?

  • Spin Harmony and the Golden Scroll of Destiny

    It was a fact. He was basically scared of his own shadow. So when his mother and the crew she was working with vanish into thin air, last thing he needed was for a mysterious message to show up...one that indicates himself and his closest friends as suspects. At least, that is what Z thinks. Question is: How does the odd things going on with them tie in with the missing crew?

  • Do you know who I am?: Book 2: New Faces, Old Enemies

    Drake decides peace suits him nicely...for awhile. Invitations to a mysterious tournament, new enemies to battle. It honestly looks like the last three years were just a nice long break for the gang. Of course what doesn't make any sense is why Drake once again gets the feeling that he knows each of these new people...as if he's met them before. Sometimes, having amnesia sucks.

  • Lost Specters, New History

    Rewrite! When a mysterious girl somehow transports Ezra to the time of the clone wars, chaos ensures. The real question is... how bored was she? Follow along as our favorite Jedi end up going over their heads, and a certain sith lord plots how to use Ezra against them. Madness? 100% Guaranteed. Rating cause I'm Paranoid. I need a better summary for this story! Suggestions Welcome!

  • Ray and Maya

    This is the story of how Ray and Maya became the first ever masters of Fire and Water in Ninjago. How they met their friends, and their roles in the various battles for Ninjago. Most importantly it is how they fled from circumstances that dedicated that they be enemies to be the wonderful couple that we know that they are... Rating cause I'm paranoid.