
  • Robin Hood Part 2 Rebirth

    Darkness reigns over England. Every day Morgana s powers grow. But there are those who stand against her. In the north, Richard Wayne leads a coalition of lords, peasants, and misfits. They fight Morgana in any way they can while preparing for the king's return. Against them, Morgana has unleashed the Joker. Will they survive him, or will they fall for his brutality?

  • Robin Hood Part 1 Home at last

    After years of fighting in the holy land, Richard returns to England, accompanied by his servant, Raven. A witch with terrible powers, but while he believes his war is over. It has just begun. A sorceress has usurped the crown and placed men like the sheriff of Nottingham in power. Together with a group of misfits, they must fight. In hope of a better tomorrow.

  • Communication

    Robin may be a superb detective, and Raven a powerful empath. But, when it comes to the language of love, not so much. To the dismay of one alien princess and a green shapeshifter.