
  • Embrace

    In the midst of Shinra's collapse, Elena gives Reno an earful after their final encounter with Avalanche doesn't go according to plan.

  • Full House

    Celes can't stop losing to Edgar in poker. Sabin isn't doing much better, and Terra... well, she's never played a game of poker in her life.

  • Something Fishy

    During a fishing date with Locke, Celes learns what probably killed her granddad. (Post-Canon)

  • The Victorious Retreat

    Reno lashes out at Rude after their "victorious" withdrawal from battle in Gongaga.

  • Surprise Vacation

    Reno surprises Elena with a vacation to Wutai.

  • Who Do You Like?

    Rude and Elena tell each other who they like.