
  • Friends to Lovers

    A collection of unrelated one shots for all your Bruno-and-Kamala-feels needs. Primarily established relationship but with a few love-confessions scattered in for funsies :) Accepting prompts!

  • Double-Consciousness

    Double-consciousness: When someone experiences a divide in their life due to being a part of two groups virtually at odds with each other. OR Shaun is torn between his Chinese and American selves, as well as his platonic and romantic feelings toward a certain best friend of his. (Shaun/Katy :)

  • Read It and Go From There

    A peek into Kamala's mind when she reads Bruno's letter. (A possible precursor to Missingcrowdsof1000's story on AO3, 'What is this')

  • Priority is a Singular Word

    Kamala comes back to the United States to find both Kamran and Bruno in the hospital. (set after 1x05 but I'm ignoring all the plots I don't feel like dealing with oops)

  • Damage Control

    After Bruno and Kamran escape the explosion, they have to find a way to stop Damage Control before they can capture and hurt anyone else. And to do that, of course, they need Kamala. An alternate finale episode with some endgame Brumala this time hehe.

  • Work-Life Balance

    Post-breakups, post-makeups, post-villains, post-season finales, we are left with a day in the life of Brainy and Nia. (written as a part of the SupergirlSummer Event in creative collaboration with @ gayandmediocre on Instagram! She made the beautiful cover and you can see it in full on AO3)

  • Until I Know You're Okay

    After getting back to Jersey, Kamala runs to Bruno for his special dose of comfort. (Friendship or romantic Bruno/Kamala, set after episode 4)

  • Marvelous

    A rewrite of the very end of Ms. Marvel 1x03: Kamala takes Bruno back to her house after he's hurt in the fight with the Djinn. (Kamala and Bruno because I loveeee them :)))

  • Until I Know You're Okay

    After getting back to Jersey, Kamala runs to Bruno for his special dose of comfort. (Friendship or romantic Bruno/Kamala, set after episode 4)

  • Marvelous

    A rewrite of the very end of Ms. Marvel 1x03: Kamala takes Bruno back to her house after he's hurt in the fight with the Djinn. (Kamala and Bruno because I loveeee them :)))

  • AV High

    Welcome to Arrowverse High, where my first high school AU takes place. Friends, drama, romance, crushes, angst, homework: immerse yourself in the exciting life of a high schooler... completely romanticized and not at all realistic, of course. Sporadic posting, pairings insides :) (under the Flash category but is a compete Arrowverse Crossover with Supergirl, Arrow and Legends too)

  • Mist

    Frost doesn't die.

  • Snowbarry- Season 7

    Barry, Caitlin, Frost, and baby Nora tackle the next segment of their lives, and work to stay together through all of life's twists and turns. (In case you hadn't figured it out, this is the 7th story in the Snowbarry Through the Seasons Series)

  • 1 John 4:18

    "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear." - 1 John 4:18 OR Matthew and Mary find a moment to talk alone after the events of 2x06.

  • Mishaps with Mistletoe

    A collection of drabbles circulating around my favorite pairings and mistletoe. Updated every year with new chapters!

  • Danger Prone Dey

    Five times Kara saves William, plus one time he saves her. Also a deep dive into William's character and life and brain because I'm obsessed with him for some inexplicable reason.

  • The Brainiac and the Dreamer

    A collection of drabbles for my favorite ship, Brainy and Nia :D (Chapter 54: Brainy and Nia, after the wedding and beyond.)