

  • Rescuing Each Other

    Kurt's stuck in the treehouse, terrified of heights, and Blainers is not leaving him. They discover, after Kurt has been rescued, that they both rescue each other. Written for the Klaine Spring Fling challenge word "protective." Part of the Klaine Goes to Daycare series.

  • Tooth Mansion

    Blaine wakes up after a nightmare and seeks comfort from his husband. It's only after a little thought that he realizes he dreamed his childhood nightmare, a dream that his husband knows about intimately. Written for the Klaine Spring Fling word "insidious." Part of the Klaine Goes to Daycare series.

  • We've Waited Since We Were Young

    A highly anticipated meeting reminds the boys of another highly anticipated meeting from when they were young. This story was written for the Klaine Spring Fling and is part of the Klaine Goes to Daycare series.

  • Love Birds and Unicorns

    Jeff is celebrating his birthday at daycare, and he's brought special treats for everyone. Special treats that get Blaine riled up on sugar and lead him to discover his fascination with birds at an early age. Written for the Klaine Spring Fling. Part of the Klaine Goes to Daycare series.

  • It's Okay Because I Love Him

    Poor Blainers is a sufferer of seasonal allergies, and today, they're pretty bad. All he wants to do is sleep and snuggle with his Kurt, and Kurt is pretty sure he doesn't mind. Part of the Klaine Goes to Daycare series. Written for Klaine Spring Fling

  • When We Own a Zoo

    Ms. Fairy has a surprise for all her daycare kiddos: their very first daycare pets! This makes Blaine VERY excited, and he comes up with yet ANOTHER life plan for himself and Kurt. This story is written for the Klaine Spring Fling and is part of the Klaine Goes to Daycare series.

  • Let's Tell Our Story

    Ms. Fairy is hosting a book fair, and Kurt and Blaine are so incredibly excited! They get to pick out books for themselves and maybe even for their very best friend. And, of course, we get some very cute moments at the end when they sit down to read a book together. Written for the fourth day of the Klaine Spring Fling prompt word "organization." Klaine Goes to Daycare Series

  • Deciding to be Spiderman

    Blaine's upset because his parents vetoed the outfit he wanted to wear to daycare. Kurt knows how to make his bestest friend in the whole wide world feel a lot better. This one-shot is set in my Klaine Goes to Daycare series and is written for the first prompt of the Klaine Spring Fling, decision.

  • Tied Up in Christmas Lights

    When Christmas decorating brings up memories from Blaine's childhood, Kurt gets the opportunity to make one of Blaine's wishes come true. This story is a gift for my wonderful friend, GleefulPoppet, and is a follow-up to "Tight, White Football Pants."

  • A December Wedding

    Fourteen months after getting engaged, Kurt and Blaine are finally ready to tie the knot. Kurt has a surprise for Blaine, and Blaine proves that he knows Kurt well and can give him exactly what he needs. This story is written for my wonderful friend, JayhawkWrites, and is a follow-up to "From October to October, So Many Things Can Change."

  • What Brings You Joy

    Blaine's mom has decided he should follow Marie Kondo's organizing methods in his apartment—even with his books. So, when he takes some of his precious books to a nearby bookshop to sell, he meets a cute boy who only wants to know one thing: do his books bring him joy?

  • I'd Give Anything to be Your Gay Christine

    Late for a date with Mercedes' boyfriend's gay brother, Kurt meets a handsome stranger in a cab who he really should get to know better.