Mad Leprachaun

  • Legacy of Caine: Retribution

    "Given the choice, whether to rule over a corrupt and failing empire, or to challenge the fates for a new throw, a better throw against ones destiny... what was a Prince to do?" Cillian Doyle, an ex-military Medium, went to L.A to find Redemption. Instead of ghosts, he finds a new war that has been going on for Six-Thousand years, driven by a curse that dates back to the first men.

  • Green Lantern: New Light

    Monsters, Aliens, Gods... I'm just a man with a ring. The only power I have is my Willpower, which isn't something you just automatically have on a whim. There is hard work involved in maintaining a strong will. It pays off though, you can contend with the best and worst of them with it. Keeping your will when you fail is what makes you a Green Lantern. So beware my power assholes.

  • Green Lantern:

    One minute I'm just minding my business camping alone, the next I'm a Green Lantern flying a deceased member to his home. A Lantern died for to give me this ring, and I intend on finding out who else was involved. Aliens, Monsters, Gods, anybody that might be responsible. None of them are ready for me. Beware my power assholes... Green Lantern's Light.

  • Lightning, Camera, Hope!

    In this world, some of the most wondrous and beautiful things are kept hidden, behind a dam of paranoia and ambition. Hiding the river running to freedom and peace. A Conduit was brought by train to this world, but will it affix itself to the river? Let that Hope spread across the world? Like a raging storm against the agony and desolation this madness and fear has and will cause.

  • Lost and Damned

    The SCP Foundation is baffled by its newest acquisition. Well, Foundation staff tend to be baffled by everything they contain, but this is something entirely different. You know, this is why it's Foundation policy to not let anybody board the 11:57pm train in Uptown Manhattan at 59th st and 8th avenue. You never know where you'll end up... or when for that matter.

  • Justice League: Stormbringer

    Erik Torsten never knew what his life would hold, only knew he wasn't like the rest of humanity. Born with a power he cannot explain, he had always felt alone, and unable to fully relate to his peers. Unsure of what he would discover in search of his destiny, he definitely wasn't expecting to find his place among Aliens and Gods. Honestly the Hammer should have been a give away.