
  • Hell Freezes Over

    She'd had enough. Her life had been nothing but pain and lies. Fleeing Hell, she came to the human world to finally find the happiness and love she'd been longing for. But little did she know, she'd fled one Hell, only to get trapped in another. (Rated M for graphic violence, gore, adult content.)

  • Cavity Search

    Judy's in a sour mood after a slow day at work, Nick has a way to cheer her up. Rated M for Adult Themes.

  • Haunted

    During a slow day at the ZPD, Nick and Judy are given a cold case of a murdered she-wolf to solve. They travel to the Meadowlands to interview her family, friends and to gather new evidence. Will their efforts be enough to finally catch her killer and put her to rest? Rated M for graphic violence and adult themes.

  • Make Him Whole Again

    After defeating the Brethren Moon, Isaac and Carver are sent to a new world by the alien machine. Meeting new friends, they begin to rebuild their lives, free of necromorphs and Unitologists. But, will their newfound peace last? Rated M for graphic violence.