
  • Fatum Scriptum 'Written' new version

    She always dreamed of going 'Outside', but she never thought the day her dream will come true it would be the last she would have seen home. The past meets the present, a folk legend comes back to life, and what was supposed to be a coincidence turns out to be the thread of fate of a world meant to collapse for a new one to become real.

  • Written

    The system that was ruling the ninja world was supposed to be right. Or so she thought. Who supported, worked, lived in this ruling system was living in the right path. However, those who denied this system, those who left their villages to live on their own, those were traitors, as this path would only lead to perdition. Reality is far more complex, and she would learn it at her e

  • Veritatis Via

    3 months and 12 days after the end Fourth Shinobi War. Hozuki Castle, Kusagakure. It had been quite a trip for an old lady of her age, but what brought Atsuko Sorai 1,227 miles far from home was worth the struggle. A Naruto fanfiction where Kisame Hoshigaki's suicide failed, someone is struggling for the truth and two broken souls start their journey towards healing. Kisame/Miru.