
  • The Why

    Alan helped take down a global corporation and rewrite the laws surrounding dinosaurs and cloning for good—and yet the bereft feeling dogging every breath won't go away. Not until a strange gift arrives on Capital Hill just for him.

  • Coeternal

    The annual SEAL camping trip comes on the worst weekend for Steve and Danny—in more ways than one—but it also helps them face the truth. Sometimes even the best experts in the world get it wrong. Part four of my "Foxhole" series.

  • Petrichor

    Petrichor (n.) – the smell of rain after a long dry spell. Daniel searched for home his whole life, and now he seems to have found it. But every night his eyes stray to the stars, longing. Jack knows he'll never see Abydos through his telescope, but it doesn't stop him from trying anyway.

  • Macrame, Mint Chip, and Machetes

    Danny got kicked out of Boy Scouts twenty-six years ago—a story he refuses to share even under fire (literally). Steve hits a chicken with his truck. These two things turn out to be directly correlated.

  • Quid Pro Quotidian

    Rusty bakes cookies and Danny has a mini crisis. Maybe people aren't only nice when they want something from you. Quotidian (adj.) – Common place, ordinary, every day. (Which kindness and casual affection are not. For Danny, anyway.)

  • Thaw

    Daniel finds Jack on the roof and Jack finds Daniel lost inside his own head. Somehow they bring each other home.

  • Spectacle(s)

    Five times Jack pushes up Daniel's glasses for him and one time Daniel returns the favour. (This is a story about glasses but really it's a story about emotions. And really those emotions are about Jack and Daniel learning they'll always need each other.)

  • Boxed Step

    War is over and Harry can't remember what he's supposed to do. A story of three steps, lilies, and gaudy sweaters. Or: How Harry and Luna Learn to Want to Live Again.