
  • Moonchild

    Frank Bryce put no stock in magic tales until he met Pandora Lovegood (not a ship fic)

  • Midnight

    No one was quite sure when the tradition had begun

  • Doorways

    Peter crossed the threshold into evil the day he let Lily and James die

  • Those damn stairs!

    Seamus is in a bit of a pickle. And by that I mean he's running for his life. Crack!fic

  • Is a safe haven safe without you?

    Summary: Percy revists a familiar safe place, but how can it be safe without Oliver to diffuse the tensions?

  • You think you're so clever?

    Andromeda wouldn't call herself a hypocrite

  • Warriors mask

    Hermione, an orphan, grew up in the Tonks household, learning the skills of an assasain. When her family is kidnapped by a group of terrorist's, her only option is to turn to a mysterious masked figure she knows as Lyssa and work with her to get her family back

  • Melody

    Narcissa the soprano, Sirius the baritone, Bellatrix the tenor, Regulus the alto. Andromeda carrying the melody. When she's gone, how can they stick together?

  • A Soulless Husk

    She sat on her bed and calmly looked around the room with an air of boredom. She would have looked like every other girl her age, except for the straight white jacket constraining her. She showed no signs of being a sadistic killer, and, he supposed, that was what made her so deadly. Or:: Harry visists Rose in prison one last time. Warnings: crime, death, mentions of miscarriage.

  • Colors

    Nymphadora Tonks was a very smart seven year old. Smart enough to know that something is wrong with her bestest friend in the whole widest world. Very wrong.

  • At what cost?

    At what cost does power come? Family? Blood? Sanity? And what is the price worth paying?

  • What the f- THEO SHUT YOUR MOUTH!

    Poor Theo, Pansy is so convincing isn't she? Within this story, Theo *enjoys* a Hogwarts reunion. Kind of

  • La vie en Rose

    Until the end

  • Dollhouse

    D-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-E I see things that nobody else sees. Trigger warning, abuse

  • Monsters under your bed

    Remus was too old to be scared. And yet he was

  • I know

    She saw and He let Her in Dramione one-shot

  • Don't back down

    He needs to hear this. He has to

  • Bury a friend

    Hermione hates seeing those she loves die

  • War

    The heroes who live to tell the tale don't stay a hero for long. The horrors of war take too big a toll to leave no mark. While the marks may not manifest on their bodies, their minds are changed forever, scarred deeply, and slowly, those heroes we know and dearly love, morph into the villains.

  • Memories

    Draco died leaving Hermione a widow with a ten year old daughter. Three years later she is venturing up to the attic to remember. BTW the OC is their daughter