
  • Azeroth ReVAMPed

    This is a revamp of my Azeroth to Thedas book - hopefully making the main Character (Atarah Stormlight) seem a bit less OP. Tara wakes up dead - a lot less complicated when you know how the afterlives work, i suppose. She has now gone through three lives - entering her fourth - and still has less answers than she ever started with... if anything, she has more Questions.

  • Genie in a Bottle

    It had been thousands of years since I'd become a full-fledged Genie – though the true term was 'Jinn', none of my masters in the last couple decades had called me by that – and I still hadn't gotten anyone to free me. but now... someone had sworn to do just that. i may be in a new world - Thedas - but that wasn't an issue for me; my mates were here after all.

  • Once in a Potters Moon

    A Witch from a parallel Universe where HP books exist gets pulled into them!

  • Reading HP

    Female Merlin gets books to be read with the subject of the - Harry Potter