• A Different World

    Complete! Harry never lived at the Dursley's, in fact, he has no idea who they are. Taken in by a mean couple, taught to fight and steal, Harry spent ten long years on the street, until one day, he discovers he was meant for so much more

  • Hiding Shadows

    Formerly The Shifter. Voldemort’s back, there’s an eccentric new DADA teacher and some very interesting returns. Post OotP. Chapter 2 up

  • The Wind Beneath My Wings

    Ron reads a letter after getting some horrible news... (revised ending)

  • Moving On

    Songfic about the end of Harry's 7th year.

  • Hero: The End of Seventh Year

    I finally have a fic up! Ron's POV, telling the fight between Harry and Voldemort at the end of Harry's seventh year. I know it's been done before, this is just my take.