

  • The Marriage that Wasn't

    Lucy said no to Kevin, at the altar and ran away. Kevin's finally come looking for Lucy...7 months later. **Still a work in progress**

  • Mary's Babies

    Mary had already had three kids, but wanted to round out their family. And as always, there was more family drama to come. **STILL IN PROGRESS** I will update as I can, but this story is not done.

  • Home Sweet Home Improvement

    Set around Christmas time, the youngest Mark, decides to become a Christian while attending a Christmas service at the family church. **I will expand on this later.**.

  • 7th Heaven- My Season 11

    What if season 11 turned out differently than it was depicted? Come along for the ride. This is my first story, so please be kind with the comments. I'm already working on new ideas for more stories of this show.