Playing Passerine

  • Mars Bringer of War

    (something of a sequel to Fighting Mars, rather unintentionally) Firenze is forced to make a difficult decision. How can a seer excercize free will? Do the stars determine what will happen, or only report our choices back to us? Can a stargazer take actio

  • Patria Potestas

    Another fifth year fic with a new DADA prof. Another staff member's child fic. Dumbledore is a great grandfatherly figure, but he made mistakes. A lot of them. Some are immortalized in his daughter. She doesn't have a chip on her shoulder, she has a quarr

  • Fighting Mars

    Let the stars be witness... One fateful night a centaur decides he doesn't *want* to be just a stargazer.

  • Slaughter of the Innocents

    Set in the first book. A unicorn's POV. They are magical creatures, innocent, but not unintelligent. They know they are being hunted by an unnamed evil none can fight...

  • Too Smart

    Hermione isn't the only misunderstood and sometimes overlooked intellect at Hogwarts. Her cat is a second. Crookshanks first view of Hermione in the pet store. A *very* bitter creature...

  • More Things in Heaven and On Earth

    A OC Muggle's POV. How effective is the Ministry of Magic. This child saw that fateful fight between Sirius and Peter. Saw what *really* happened. And *remembers.* Is it such a crime among Muggles to believe in magic?

  • A Shell Forgotten

    A short post PoA look at Remus Lupin. What he had lost, what he has to lose, and what keeps him going. (I de-song fic'd the original songfic, hoping it improves the flow)

  • Old Blue Eyes

    The thoughts floating through DUmbledore's head towards the end of PoA. Everyone has their ghosts...