

  • A Letter of Pain and Regret

    A heart-broken girl sends a letter to her crush Sirius Black. r/r to find out what he's going to do about it or not going to do...

  • Misunderstood

    this is a lil ficcy i wrote prob. 2 yrs ago... it's basically about lily evans when she went to Hogwarts... L/J eventually... if u like it i'll upload the rest but i won't bother if u don't because i'll have to type it all myself.. don't forget to r/r

  • Mrs. Chang's Story

    Late one night , Mrs. Chang was walking to her bedroom. She heard her daughter Cho crying softly. Can Cho handle the story her mum tells her? Read and decide for yourself.

  • Ariana's Love

    Ariana is in Voldie's year and she falls in love with ...dun dun dun... him!! eek!! what happens when he uses her to keep his secrets? part 2 soon to come.

  • Pure Fluff

    takes place mwpp and like i said pure fluff. for all u romantic peeps out there!! cheers!! :)

  • wierd, huh?

    set during mwpp. very wierd. whatever, just read! :)