
  • The Infinite

    A being more powerful than any before returns to grant Gods final wish. She creates an offspring that is meant to replace God. Issei Hyoudou. With infinite power, it will be up to Issei to choose to save the realm, or doom it. But he's still going to be the Harem King along the way. Absolutely OP!Issei, IsseixHarem, Male and Female Harem.

  • Kage of Remnant

    On his 13th birthday, Jaune is visited by a bevy of ghost that claim to be from a different reality. A place inhabited by Shinobi of all different powers, most from a place called Konohagakure. He is offered the chance to not only learn their ways, but to acquire all of their skills and powers for his own. A chance to become not just the strongest huntsman, but the ultimate being.

  • The Saiyan Arc

    Tragedy leaves most of the Arc family dead as a seemingly new threat sets its sights on Jaune. The Arc boy must learn to harness his own ancient energy and his dangerous semblance that comes along with it to stand any chance against a threat far worse than Salem herself. But can he do so without becoming a monster himself? Find out next time, on RWBY Ball Z!