

  • What if?

    A series of one-shot fanfics based on various ideas I have. The upload schedule will be varied (whenever I come up with an idea, in other words). Enjoy .

  • Voldemort's (Your) Choices

    You (in the form of Lord Voldemort) have discovered where Harry Potter spends his summer holidays and want to kill him. With the Blood Wards making things complicated, can you succeed in killing your enemy, or will your return be made public? Only you can decide.

  • 'Cause You're a Natural

    Some rules are meant to be followed. Others were made to be broken. John decided the rule of not writing about his ordeals was one of the latter. Years later, Alex finds a notebook in the attic and decides he needs to know what it means. His decision changes a lot.

  • The Prince that killed the Bee

    Snape's reaction to murder

  • Let's Discuss How

    An essay-like discussion of various topics to do with (mainly) Harry Potter, but could have a few other series thrown in at some stage in the future

  • (Wizarding) Christmas Countdown

    Draco is used to getting Christmas presents. His girlfriend gets him the best presents. This year, her presents are a bit… odd? Or at the least, likely to annoy his parents.

  • Severus Snape and the consequences of Truth or Dare

    Severus Snape hates Valentines. He loves not getting anything on Valentines. But a group of 8th years will make sure this year's Valentines day is an unforgettable one... for all the wrong reasons *evil giggle*