
  • The Morning After

    The potion went down smooth and granted blissful relief. But something was bothering Severus, he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Something about stairs last night. Blind drunk and unable to tolerate his suffering any longer. He remembered the most incredible dream. She came to him like hope. An apparition of Lily that took him to her breast and gave him the strength to go on.

  • I Want To Be Lily

    Halloween night Hermione turned down a passage to head back to her room when she heard crying. No, it was more. Weeping. A man was weeping as if his heart were breaking. The sound filled her with such sadness and compassion. Hermione hesitated. This wasn't just a homesick school boy. The depth of the emotion and the pitch of the voice. She knew It must be a grown man.

  • The Happy Wanderer

    Every muggle town had a wizarding quarter, except this one. Severus had chosen it carefully for just that purpose. Remote and isolated. He wanted no contact with wizarding kind whatsoever. The reason was simple. He was in hiding. Not for the reason you might think. There was no one out for his blood. He was just hiding from his wife. Yes. That's right. His wife… and the ministry.

  • Reaching the Prize

    Hermione would never forget how it felt to see the man she loved in shackles. The desperate clench of her gut that feared the worst, the cold absence of hope. The cruel way they must hurt and embarrass, made her want to beg them to take them off him. How helpless it made such a strong wizard look. It tore her apart. Courage Hermione. He will be free soon.

  • After the Fight

    Severus slept better than he ever had. His first instinct was to get up and get dressed in case he was summoned. Like he had done every day for the last twenty years. But his subconscious was telling him to sleep because today was different. Maybe it was the warm body of the beautiful woman next to him. And then he realized he would never be summoned again.

  • Reaching The Prize

    Hermione would never forget how it felt to see the man she loved in shackles. The desperate clench of her gut that feared the worst, the cold absence of hope. The cruel way they must hurt and embarrass, made her want to beg them to take them off him. How helpless it made such a strong wizard look. It tore her apart. Courage Hermione. He will be free soon.

  • The End of the War

    The war was over, but the fight had just begun. Harry was dead and most of the people Hermione loved were gone. Hermione's in a bad spot. Who wants to bet the brightest witch of her age can figure out a plan? But it's useless without major support from everyone's favorite potions master. Great smut is part of the storyline, there will be chapter warnings.

  • The Teacher 2 Little Ghost Lost

    "FRED! Give me back my coffee!" Lydia heard a strange sound. Like a paper bag being dropped from a height to land on a hard surface. Squeezing her eyes shut in pain, she ran to see her precious bag of specialized, custom blended, coffee beans scattered all over the stone floor. Her low voice was cold and unforgiving. "You had better stay out of my way Fred Weasley, if I catch you..

  • Trigger 2 A Muggle in Hogwarts

    The worst is over, the trigger destroyed- or so they thought. Nora must try to fit in to the prestigious school, learn six years of magic in a few months, and survive Severus Snape. Timothy thinks she can do anything, but that's what Snape is afraid of.

  • Trigger - A Muggles Tale

    Proposal: I am investigating a dormant human gene sequence, that everyone else had dismissed as redundant. What does it do? I believe it controls the part of the brain where, for lack of a better term, magic resides.

  • TATTOO -- A Portrait Story

    Hermione is over her head organizing the new Department of Mental Health. Severus would like her to quit, but she helps so many people, like Lisa Evergreen and her tattoo, and now a little complication will change everything.

  • LAID BARE - A Portraits Story

    Severus are you there?" He knew that voice. He knew that voice and didn't want to answer it. Lucius Malfoy. He hadn't seen or talked to him since Lucius' trial just after his own. Lucius had gotten away with 3 years house arrest and a hefty fine. Money is good for smoothing the way, Lucius had all he needed and more. Which left the question of, what did he want of Severus?

  • The Teacher

    Severus and Hermione are happily settled at Hogwarts teaching, Until an American Divination teacher turns their perfect world into chaos. Will love or darkness prevail?

  • Portrait

    After the war Hermione's life is just a series of days...Until Luna gives her a chance to be free, and maybe find love.


    Severus and Hermione are happily married...Until someone wants revenge. Please comment, I'd love to hear what you have to say about the story and will respond. REVISED- sorry, first download was unsuccessful- better now


    Severus and Hermione are happily married...Until someone wants revenge