Exactly what it says. Involves lots of hate. And glue. And trouble. Huh, pretty boy seems to be pretty good at keeping his feelings to himself. The question is... for how long?
The musings of Amelia Bones on the prodigies of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... sort of, anyway
The decision that he doesn't like being on Lily's pranking list much, is an EXTREMELY new revelation. Hmmm. Wonder why, though? Oh, wait, scratch that. The rest of the school doesn't like it much either, so psh! Its fine! Getting your room booby trapped isn't the best thing in the world, especially when the minx in question is particularly vindictive. Yeah, he didn't think so...
In which Lily realizes a realization that had already been realized a long time ago. And she tries her hand at having a bit of fun. Hah! Who's prissy miss goody-two shoes now?