Lady Feylene

  • History Repeats

    Slash warning. Remus and Severus relfect on how much things change, and how you can never truly go home.

  • Christmas Bells

    Old soldiers take what comfort they can get, and no one should be alone on Christmas. Slash, SSRL.

  • Chances

    Remus is struggling with coming to terms with a few things. Mad-Eye Moody offers him some insight and more. (Slash, OotP Spoilers)

  • Percy's Lament

    Percy reflects over the changes his life has gone through, and everything he has lost. (Slash, OotP Spoilers)

  • A Change of Face

    OotP Spoilers. Remus is mildly bothered by Tonks' sudden abuse of her abilities. Tonks is mildly bothered by the fact that Remus is a bit old fashioned. (working title)

  • Want

    Mild Slash. OotP Spoilers. Peter wants something he can't have. Regulus wants something he can.

  • Compromising Circumstances

    Harry is finally allowed to live with his godfather...but is it really such a good idea? (Mild slash hints)

  • End of All Hope

    In the aftermath of tragedy, the forces of good rally together for a final stand. Pre-slash. Character deaths.

  • Timeless

    A miscast spell sends Harry hurtling back to the time of the Marauders, where he ends up falling for someone he shouldn't. (Slash)

  • Slytherin's Life

    A dailey updated story following the adventures of three seventh year Slytherins. Plus Severus' sixth year boyfriend who tags along everywhere. (Slash, formerly titled 'Much Ado About Romance')

  • A Dangling Conversation

    Set in the summer after sixth year. Ron and Harry discuss life, love, the attractiveness (or lackthereof) of certain professors, and the vagueness and confusion of sexuality. (mild fluffy slash)

  • Worth of a Man

    Percy thinks back on the decisions and bargains he's made to achieve his sudden rise through the ministry. (Nongraphic slash)

  • A Valid Interjection

    Sirius and Remus discuss how to tell Harry that they're more then just friends.

  • In for a Knut, In for a Galleon

    Ron will do anything not to be poor anymore. When Millicent Bulstrode offers him a good sum of money to make Draco jealous, he jumps at the chance. And that's only the beginning.

  • Same As It Ever Was

    Percy is appalled by the bleakness of life after graduation, and his own seemingly dead end life. (Slash, Percy/Oliver)

  • The Art of Stupidity

    Ron stumbles across a very upset Pansy by the lake, and does something very stupid. He tries to help.

  • Kissing Lessons

    After graduation, Harry's staying with Remus. Harry goes on a date and obsesses. Remus tries to help. (slash)

  • Romancing a Slytherin

    After a rather mild prank, Remus decides to see what's so special about romance novels. (Slash SSRL)

  • Therapy

    Albus decides that Severus needs to see a therapist. Too bad she's a total nutcase...(mild slash, OotP spoilers)

  • All That Will Ever Be

    Remus Lupin is given the Defense Against the Darks Arts position at Hogwarts, unknowing everything that this includes. Especially when he discovers Sirius Black has broke out of Azkaban...(Slash, Remus/Severus)