
  • Surprise Wedding

    Olivia and Trevor get together while their on holiday in Barbados which neither knew the other was going to be there. They fall in love when they sleep together every night and after 4 months they get engaged and plan a surprise wedding which the only people to know are her Mom and Dad Don and Liz.

  • Kidnapped

    Trevor's three year old daughter Katie gets kidnapped from his mom's front yard. He contacts Liv and SVU. He loves Liv and they slept together he thought it meant more but then she got with Ed will Olivia find out the truth and what will they both do when they find out who has taken Katie and what will Trevor do when that person gives him an ultimatum.

  • Following The Woman I Love To Paris To Tell Her I Love Her

    Olivia and Noah are in Disney Land Paris for 2 weeks when Peter Stone turns up after following her to tell her that he has feelings for her and he loves her and has done for the past year and a half.

  • Being Pulled To Safety

    When Olivia Benson steps out into the road, she has no idea that a car was heading straight for her. Thankfully a tall handsome mysterious stranger pulls her out of the way just in time. As they start getting closer and start falling for each other people get involved and they are kept apart, can they reconcile and stop people from keeping them apart again.

  • Reunited With My One Night Stand

    Trevor and Olivia had a one night stand 10 years ago and they haven't seen each other since even though they have always thought about each other when one day while Olivia is at work with her team at SVU waitingto meet their new ADA Trevor walks in and that is when they see each other for the first time since that night. Over time they go out on dates and grow closer,can they make

  • Has Edgar Missed His Chance

    Edgar and Olivia are not together since Edgar went to Kiev for 12 weeks. They don't really speak after Edgar comes back. Has Olivia found someone else? even though they both love each other.

  • What Happened After The Kiss In Dear Ben

    What happens after Peter and Olivia kiss in his office on his floor after a tough case.

  • Alive

    Hotch leaves BAU and he and Jack leave Washington DC and move to London England. One day when he is taking Jack to his first day of school he thinks he sees Erin Strauss but then says" no she is dead". But when he takes in Jack to school she is his new teacher and Hotch is shocked that she is Alive what will they say to each other and will he tell David and the team that she is

  • Hurt And Being Taken

    When Olivia's boyfriend turns violent will she tell Edgar and what will Edgar do when he does find out. When her ex gets arrested and goes to jail Olivia thinks she is free but is she and can Edgar protect her from her violent,abusive ex

  • Trapped In The Lift With My Ex Who I Still Love

    Trevor and Olivia get trapped in the elevator together and they reignite something they lost but will it last and can they be together again forever or will someone/people cause trouble for them.

  • Getting Together As A Couple Then Choosing

    Olivia and Edgar slowly end up together as a couple after working together a lot more and after going out with her squad as well as Chief Garland and his wife Lamia. One day her old partner cones back and he gives Olivia an ultimatum which is their friendship or her relationship with Edgar.

  • Saving Noah

    Noah is at the court house on a school trip when Sheila turns up trying to take him, Edgar is there sees it calls out for Noah who runs to him because he doesn't want go but Sheila pulls a gun and takes both of them at gun point. will they both get free and will they be found.