
  • My Bakeneko is a bit too close for comfort

    Hachiman finds a stray cat, and while not one for pick up strays ends up keeping it. Although it might prove more than what he has bargained for.

  • My Work Enviroment is suprisingly complicated

    Hachiman despite being adamant about being a household husband, is now a well established part of the Japanese Work Force. As he progresses in his career, certainly along the way toward retirement, events will arise where it will mesh the lines between his work environment, and his personal life despite his best efforts to keep them separated. (Chapter 5 edited)

  • Rise Of Settlements

    With the conflict in the Commonwealth in full swing, a new contender has arrived from the North. Will these newcomers disrupt the scales of power? Or will they take it for themselves?

  • The Hikigaya's Sunday Outting

    With a peculiar request now offers a peculiar situation. Often the desired result is not the one gain during a progression of action. Just what is the result that will arrive after an action is through? (Side note, Im bad at summaries so give me a break yea?)

  • Practice makes perfect

    Often Donald has placed his relationships on hold, however, a new opportunity has presented itself, and Donald has take full advantage of it. There is only one problem, he has no idea what to do or where to start. How will his family react and response to this surprise?