Prieda Solo

  • The Day Before

    This story is set directly before 'The Last Day of All' so read this first. The day before the death of Regulus Black. Just a short little oneshot, and now unfortunatly AU. EDIT: changed the little error in the last line.

  • Memory

    Just a short little Drabble. Meant to be one of Sirius’s thoughts around the time of OOTP, when he's all alone at Grimmauld Place. Alternative title was 'bittersweet' I have no idea what the genre is. noslash or anything.

  • Medium Corpus Pilarum

    Written for the Malachy O’More fan fiction challenge by Qoheleth. Rated for Death Eaters and general corpsyness. Medium Corpus Pilarum is 72nd on the Malachy List and is traditionally assigned to Gregory the Thirteenth.

  • The Hat Experiment

    The Four Founders. Just a little fic mostly from Helga's POV about the formation of the Hat and the roles of the different houses. Written in an attempt to work out the psycology of the Hat. Oneshot.

  • Junior

    Most of books 4 and 5 concern events that seem to happen outside Harry's radar. This is the story of the Crouches, concerning the thoughts and feelings of Barty Jr and Barty Sr from young Barty's trial to his death. FINALLY COMPLETE!

  • Song for the Asking

    Three sonfics for three of the Marauders Peter, Sirius, Remus. There is much, much more fic than song, and you do not need to have read the songs. Contains angst and flashbacks. Still not AU, even after DH!

  • Gateshead Revisited

    Two short oneshots about the young Severus Snape. No fluff, no romance, no violence, just a couple of small sketches.

  • Eileen Snape nee Prince

    DH SPOILERS. A short story containing a group of vignettes on Eileen's life. Rated as it's a little miserable in places. Just one more forgotten story, in a world that doesn't care...

  • Special Two

    Reviews Lounge Challenge submission. Songfic to Missy Higgins 'Special Two'. noslash. noromance. 'I was comfortable and warm inside my shell, I couldn't see this place would soon become my hell.' Regulus Black, angst, and the most terrifying task of all.

  • Malfoy on the Marriage Market

    Malfoy reaches marrying age. His father's found someone, but he's not too keen on her. This is not really romance, just me having fun with the Malfoy family.

  • The Other Dumbledore

    Twenty things that nobody ever knew about Aberforth Dumbledore. Little one shot, just having a look around at the character.

  • Ghosts

    Everyone has ghosts that they need to lay to rest. And Neville discovers that sometimes the Afterlife is the best place to do it. Slightly dreamlike little oneshot.

  • The Life and Times of Barty Crouch Jr

    Unofficial attempt at the fifty word challenge of the 100quills community on LiveJournal but cleared with them first. Fifty words, fifty short stories. All about Barty. Some BartyxBella. Also stars Snape, Lucius and Regulus. EACH CHAPTER IS A ONESHOT.

  • The Referee

    Just a quick little look into Snapes head during his debut as a referee during Harrys second ever Quidditch match. It would be nice to say that this is a light-hearted fluffy little snapshot, but I guess it would be nice to say a lot of things.

  • Merry Christmas, War is Starting

    Little one-shot covering all my favourite characters in the christmas before Voldemorts downfall. Covers Aberforth Dumbledore, Regulus Black, Bellatrix and all the Marauders.

  • Heart to Heart

    Tobias and Severus have a surprisingly cordial father and son chat. If you're looking for heart-warming fluff though, the Snape family is probably not the best place to find it...

  • Any way the wind blows

    Because a box can be transfigured into a guitar, and everyone knows drums are easy to play. Because it doesn’t matter what the future holds, tonight there is just the music and the laughter. Marauders era fic.

  • Desire

    Harry isn't the only one at Hogwarts to be seduced by the mirror of Erised. Not the only one to have dreams they prefer to dwell on, not the only one to have faces that they yearn to see. Angsty romance type thingy. Written as essay avoidance.

  • The Last Day of All

    The Death of Regulus Black, unfortunatly written before I read DH, so is now an AU fic. Comes after The Day Before, so you might like the read that first.

  • The Black sisters: first love

    This is basically meant to be the story of the three Black sisters and their husbands. Not really fluff, not particularly dark. Pretty harmless really, but my first proper attempt at a serious fanfic story. Please ignore the cringeworthyness of the title.