Prince Yarar

  • The Devil's Advisor

    Cedric wasn't ready to move on, and Rin was feeling kind of lonely being a demon. The story of how the Hufflepuff Golden Boy rose to become (the current) Satan's most terrifying second in command. Anime/Manga fusion. No pairings except canon references.

  • ARAGO Drabbles

    Exactly as it says on the tin. Involves AUs, crossovers, and many more.

  • Ashen Grey

    An auspistice is a "facilitator" of some sort between two others, mediating interactions between them and keeping their relationship functional. Somehow, Jamie became one. Cross Posted from AO3

  • Pale Diamond

    Indirect sequel to Ashen Grey. The young human protected the dark spirit from himself, and in return he was protected from everything else. Crossposted from AO3