
  • Being Alice

    My name is Alice Lawrence. Translation: mother-f****** goddess of all things awesome. What if the war never happened? The Nine of them live on Lorien, and add in a few crazy friends, a boarding school, a demented boyfriend and a crazy Physics teacher and you've got yourself a blooming party.

  • Love Hexagon?

    My name is Marina and I'm in a normal relashonship with Eight. Except that Nine likes me. And Six likes Nine. Sam AND John like Six, while John is with Sarah. And let's not forget Adam whose in love with a dead girl who lives in his brain. Complicated? Welcome to my world...

  • I'm so not a normal girl

    Nine is tough, handsome, and great with girls. Or that's what he thinks. Until he mets Seven. And Seven changes everything. Rated T (Nine's filthy mouth) but that might change later. This my my first fanfic.

  • By Ra

    He is Setrakus Ra. The Beloved Leader. Followed by so many, who bow down to him as he walks. That we know. But who is he? The real him?