• That Was Then

    This story is not going to be updated for a long time if ever.

  • Up the Stairs and Into the Face of Death

    Percy Weasley has a lot to worry about as of late: his job is in danger, his love life is a mess, he isn't speaking to his family, but at least he doesn't have to work hard to defend his title as the most neurotic person in all of London. But he's going

  • The Life of the Fat Lady

    Owl sex, headless portraits, and angry Weasleys, Oh My. hg sd This story is done completely in challenges so it makes little sense but turned out pretty well.

  • Constant Vigilance

    My answer to why Moody was allways screaming constant vigilance. AU because it was written before OotP AMOC

  • I Taught Him That

    My theory of why Dumbledore smiled after Voldie was brought back. W/ some humor added