
  • Once Upon an Altered Time (Season 2 Rewrite)

    The curse is broken, but our heroes are not returned to the Enchanted Forest. Instead, our heroes have to find another way home, but that may not be as easy as they think.

  • You're One of Those Things

    Dumbledore said there are only a couple of things in life that he loves, and one of them is Tom Riddle, another is Harry Potter, who else? [TEAM STARKID]

  • I Love You, Always

    It's just after the Battle of Hogwarts when Harry finally gets the chance to rest. As he sits with his friends mourning all they lost yet celebrating the future they gained, his eyes find the sorrowful face of Draco Malfoy. (Sequel to: I Love You, Obliviate.)

  • I'm His, He's Mine Forever & Always

    Harry is marrying the man he loves and he can't believe how lucky he is. Once his fiancé starts down the aisle, he can't keep his eyes off.

  • I Love You, Obliviate

    Harry is waiting for Draco on the top of the tower. What happens breaks his heart, but as if he would remember it.