

  • Second Chances

    What if someone went back in time and swapped places with Natasha before Vormir happened, taking her place? In this timeline, Natasha never dated Bruce and Cap didn't go back to Peggy but stayed in the present. Steve/Nat pairing instead.

  • New Beginnings

    Kate returns home for New Years to reflect on everything that's happened over the last week, only to find an unexpected guest waiting for her back at the apartment. Shenanigans ensue.

  • The Hunt

    Jake decides to go car shopping, after having issues being carless, with Rosa joining in on the fun, trying her best to persuade him to buy a bike instead. Meanwhile Charles decides to get back out in the dating world with a little help from Gina and Doug Judy re-emerges to give the 99 grief once more. Will they finally be able to catch him or will he escape once again?