Angel Of Darkness 003

  • Stand my Ground

    What if things went horribly wrong after the battle with MaloMyotismon? Team members are taken away, trust is damaged and an enemy is hidden deep inside. What is going on? Who is behind all this and can the Chosen Children survive with their broken trust? Will have YAOI pairings but romance is not a focus. Please R&R. Rating may change to M later.

  • All I Ever Wanted

    Ken muses on the fact that Davis is all he's ever wanted to feel complete. DaiKen, written for Diversity Challenge.

  • A Constant Hope

    A collection of under 500 word drabbles starring Chosens as well as their Digimon from season 1 to season 6 and the struggles and times they go through. May include drabbles featuring special characters like Wizarmon or anyone else who was sacrificed for the Chosen.