
  • A Love Too Good to Be True

    Spoilers. Avert your eyes. Lily was a wonderful human being and Severus was always in love with her. Or was he? After all future Dark Lords really need current Dark Lords out of their way. Plus Lily simply didn't stand a chance against a dementor.

  • The Irresistible Potions Master

    Severus Snape is supposed to be one ugly git. So what happens when Voldemort removes a charm and everyone sees Severus Snape as he really is?

  • The Trouble with Love

    Lily wants Severus, James wants Lily, and Severus wants James to suffer. Chapter 6: The infamous prank. Poor, poor, poor Sirius.

  • A Secret So Horrible It.........

    Harry and Snape find out they are father and son. But Harry isn't the son and Snape isn't the father. A case against the use of Time-Turners by senile old men.

  • A Son for the Dark Lord

    Finding out that a Half-Dementor exists, Voldemort kidnaps him from his mother to create his own army of them. But little Severus proves to be more trouble than Voldemort counted on.