

  • Mudbloods and Pranks

    Lily and James 5th year at Hogwarts. a little humor and romance, but mostly friendship between the marauders and Lily and her friends. will feature the OWL mudblood scene first person. ON HOLD

  • Tears Will be Shed

    Fred, Dobby and Sirius, Snape, and Remus a little Tonks deaths from their point of view.

  • The Sorting of the Marauders

    the title says it all! really short quick story!

  • I must Not Tell Lies

    Harry comes to number 12 grim. place for christmas during his 5th year, and while exchanging stories about detentions, his detentions with Umbridge will be revealed. NO SLASH! also, i'm pretending Mr. Weasley was never in the hospital. one chap.

  • A Surprise on The Doorstep

    The story about Petunia finding Harry on her doorstep.

  • Discovering The Marauders

    Fred and George overhear a conversation that Sirius and Remus are having. They figure out who the marauders are. short and quick!

  • Insults Can Go a Long Way

    The first full moon after James, Peter and Sirius discover Remus's secret PLEASE REVEIW!

  • Secrets Can't be Kept Forever

    James, Peter, and Sirius discover Remus's 'furry little problem' i know its been done a million times but i wanted to try it. PLEASE REVIEW! T to be safe