
  • Bliss

    Modern AU, Anne and Gil at Redmond College. Anne has to go to class, but isn't very keen on leaving one Gilbert Blythe (who just so happens to be in her bed) to do so. Anne x Gilbert, rated T for mature themes.

  • PR Stunts

    YGN and MSC have been rivals for years, but recent events have seen the broadcasting stations develop a grudging respect for one another. Of course, relationship between reporters Ki Ha-myung and Choi In-ha has only fuelled the rumours of a truce between the competitors. Things only get more interesting when the PR departments are given the chance to capitalise on the situation...

  • A New Era

    A series of ficlets describing events after the Battle of Hogwarts, described from unusual points of view. Canon shipping, DH spoilers. Read and review, please!

  • Food For Fun

    Ron and Hermione have been the perfect couple in the few weeks since they got together, so when it looks like a fight during lunch in the Great Hall, everyone believes that this promises great entertainment... ONESHOT

  • A Glimpse Into A Mutual Future

    Ron and Hermione have yet another row, but then accidentally stumble into a mysterious room... What if they, in their mutual dislike of each other, catch a glimpse of their mutual future together? A humorous story, laughs guaranteed! :D Set in PS, AU-fic.