Disclaimer: I do not own the rights, or the lefts to Devil May Cry. Capcom does. A series of short stories that delve into Vergil and Dante's childhood. I am using the characters from the original DMC. Let the hilarity begin. If I run out of ideas I may ask. Some swearing.
Summary: Dante knows Vergil has secrets. When he walks into his brother's private rooms what he finds shocks him to his core. Happens after DMC 3, but during anima. Rated T for some language. Review Please.
Join Ash and his family for the holidays, where some unexpected visitors add to the hilarity. Disclaimer: I don't Ash, Simi, Styxx or anything otherwise covered by copyright in this story. I also don't own my cats. They own me. Pretty please review and I'll be your best friend
A short story about what happens when Eva finds out that Sparda has cheated on her. Rated M for language and implied sex. Reviews are welcome!