Lauryn Vi

  • Gradual Onset

    "It's funny, she thinks, the way life mirrors medicine sometimes. That moment of uncertainty, of caution, of hope, of promise in the face of a life-changing moment." - Medicine is a fast-paced, all-consuming world, and perhaps that is why it takes so long for Dr. von Trapp and senior resident Dr. Maria Rainer to see what is right before their eyes. [A one-shot, modern story.]

  • Dearest Fräulein Maria

    When the von Trapp children try to visit Fraulein Maria and are turned away from the Abbey, Liesl writes her a letter. Soon, everybody seems to be writing letters to Fraulein Maria.

  • A Little Something in the Air

    Maria works abroad, and she is used to spending the holidays alone. Georg is on the road precisely to be alone. And yet, when they meet, both discover a little something more. A short(wish), modern A/U. [Written for Proboards Advent Calendar 2021]

  • Late Night Musings

    Regret is a pastime of fools, yet one quiet and lonely night has Jonathan musing.