
  • Trust

    Captain Kathryn Janeway had one goal – get her crew and ship back home. The Captain puts her mission above everything else, but would that also stop her from falling in love? (Femslash)

  • Clean Slate

    On a routine mission to a nearby planet, an accident robs Captain Kathryn Janeway of her memories. The start to her new life is accompanied by the only woman she feels she can trust. But what does that mean when Kathryn isn't even sure of herself? (Femslash)

  • Irregularity

    Doctor Helen Magnus thought life had nothing left for her after the death of her daughter. Much to her surprise, a chance meeting leads to so much more. But, can she trust this new woman in her life? (Femslash)

  • Life Skills

    Seven struggles understanding the nuances of human behaviour. When she finds a friend who means more to her, can she learn to express her feelings before it's too late? (Femslash)

  • Locked Doors

    A stubborn door introduces Doctor Megan Hunt to a woman who intrigues and infuriates her. Handling the dead is second nature to the medical examiner. How does she fare with the living? (Femslash)