

  • Love and Other Four Letter Words

    Just another Grenna flick to keep you all entertained til December! READ. COMMENT. AND ENJOY!

  • Glowing Embers

    A story about life after The Mockingjay. Do Peeta and Katniss get to live happily ever after or is their fairytale short lived? History always seems to have a funny way of repeating itself. Multi-chapter story from different points-of-view from the characters. READ. CRITIQUE. COMMENT. ENJOY!

  • Don't wanna hide it anymore

    A story with possibilities to go anywhere. Read and let me know what you think! Sirens pull up to the hospital. Everything inside the building is in chaos. Will Brenna and Greer be able to survive the mess they've made this time?

  • Without you

    Just a little Grenna Flick! Possibly multiple chapters and I may throw in some more characters. Read. Review. Comment. And Enjoy:)