

  • What I Want

    Barnaby has a very unexpected response to getting hurt, and Kotetsu is too worried by it to leave things alone. Warnings: Mentions of child abuse, graphic man love, dubious consent, implied rape (in later chapters), and all my usual guy love warnings. THE REST IS PUBLISHED ON MY WORDPRESS (see profile). I no longer update here.

  • Cold As Stone

    Originally published on Adult Fanfiction. The Malfoy family has secrets, a strain of madness, and a boy growing up with these difficulties and more to contend with. Rated for violence, be warned! I don't write for children!

  • Beg

    This is a sequal to Cold As Stone. Draco tries out his newfound powers on his least favorite mudblood. Rated for coming chapters. Rape and violence so be warned, I don't write for children.

  • Play My Game

    Sequal to Cold As Stone and Beg: Draco tries to break his bond with Hermione and the pair begin their personal war. Violence and whatnotyou've been warned, I don't write for children!

  • Bound

    Read Play My Game 1st or you'll have no clue what's going on. Draco and Hermione clash once more over their current predicament. Once again you are warned that I DO NOT WRITE FOR CHILDREN. If pain, humiliation, and sex disturbs you, you'd best be off.