Raven Blossom

  • Draco and the Diamond Dogs

    [COMPLETE]Draco Malfoy discovers the wonders of glam rock and David Bowie. In the midst, romance blossoms. Slash.

  • Incense

    Ron comes home and finds smoke.

  • Love Is A Verb

    Remus never really understood about love. It doesn't help that his parents hadn't wanted him in the first place...

  • A Letter In Your Writing

    What happens when Remus begins getting owls after Sirius is thrown in Azkaban? Rated for harsh language and themes. Dark and angsty

  • Find It Kind Of Funny

    Harry is lost and confused. He needs to find some sort of reality to hold on to. Anything. In a nightclub he finds something he wasn't necesarily looking for. slashy, sort of... emotional. sigh not a songfic!

  • In Walked Luck

    Ron refuses to dance and therefore risks losing Hermione. Will he step up before Blaise whisks her away?

  • The Change

    The marauders go camping! But what happens when they begin giving eachother "manly tattoos"?

  • Ron's Dirty Little Secret

    Does Ron acutally get so many headaches like he says he does? Does he really sleep while everyone is down at dinner? What is Ron's dirty little secret? companion piece to By the Woods and Draco and the Diamond Dogs.

  • Half and Half

    Ron wakes up from a bad dream and wants to talk about it. Harry can do nothing but sit and listen, or can he? A little angsty, a little slashy.

  • Bring On The Men

    Our beloved Potions Master finds himself in a bar to relieve his mind of stress, but wait, who could that be? up on stage? in that fabulous outfit? singing that fabulous song? None other than..... ("Bring On The Men" from the musical "Jekyll and Hyde")

  • By The Woods

    Ginny is feeling bad for freaking out earlier and goes to apologize. Cuddling ensues, then slight snow wrestling. Her girlfriend convinces her to go streaking. Ron is scarred. Hermione laughs, and Harry just shakes his head.