Goggle Girl

  • Man's Best Friend

    A brief look into the life of Remus Lupin as he houses the convict, Sirius Black, and the relationship and companion between the two of them as both old childhood friends, and man and dog.

  • The Longest Day

    Remus must sit and be witness to the trial of Sirius Black. With the pressure of the full moon looming over him, he finds it very difficult to cope.

  • Yuletide Yearning

    He always misses them most at Christmas...

  • Harry Potter and the Quest for the Golden Snitch

    A parody of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", "King" Harry goes on a quest accompanied by his knights to take back the most Golden of Snitches from the evil French Slytherins.

  • Nasty Little Buggers

    During Harry's first Quidditch match, Oliver Wood ends up in the hospital with amnesia after being hit with a bludger. Now it's up to the Weasley twins to help Oliver get his memory back.