
fabricated fantasies

  • you are my freedom

    Don't keep me from you. - Roxanne/Lily and universes in which they might have existed.

  • they don't need your expectations

    They'll burn down every one. - drabble collection, all eras. / ZachariasVictoire

  • Paroxysm

    Hold my heart with both hands and never let go. - the next-generation, and thirty-three lives they might have lived. /AlbusOC - It's really quite easy to understand how they got here.

  • This Is How They Live

    "It's really not the kind of living that anyone expected them to do, but it works for them, and who cares what other people think, anyway?" - Demelza/Romilda/Michael

  • Impatience Is A Virtue

    In which Lily tries her hardest to be sexy, almost freezes to death, and just wants to get laid. - Lily/Lavender

  • the what ifs will destroy you

    The only thing that stays with you forever is regret. - the nextgen in a hundred different ways. /PansyTeddy - "Sometimes he looks at the blonde woman in his bed and wishes that all those teen romance novels had never lied to him."

  • The Silenced Nightingale

    They label her a survivor, but Lavender isn't sure if surviving this war isn't worse than dying because of it.

  • Someday

    Someday you'll be strong enough to hold him up, like he holds you. /Padma and Ernie and the war, because love stops for no man, not even a mad one. M&MWP, part three of 'futility'.

  • Warm Tea and Company

    "Why are you up, if you're supposed to be sleeping?" "Keeping you company, of course." /Katie's kind of maybe definitely in love with Eloise, but hello, there's a war on. M&MWP, part two of 'futility'.

  • your heart is like the night

    You have awaited your death for nineteen years, since you set another's into motion. /Rabastan and James reconnect and remember. M&MWP, part one of 'futility'.

  • leave me with only memories of you

    "I know you want to kiss me." /Roxanne falls for the last girl she should.

  • all the truths we ever said

    It hurts to know that you fought so hard to keep him, but you never really had a chance. -— Demelza/Colin

  • our lives are intertwined

    The next day is your last in this life. -— two lovers find one another through the years -— Rowena/Salazar.

  • melting stones

    She's a pretty metal princess with a diamond heart, but she loved them once. /or, the six great loves of Dominique Weasley, told in snapshots.

  • we could be radio stars

    "Did you start your life out intending to make it into a remake of a lame rom-com, or did it just turn out that way?" -— Lily&Lysander

  • the world starts spinning for you

    In which James Potter meets the love of his life and isn't good at remembering names. -— JamesLily

  • easy to fall, easy to break

    "You are perfect," he tells her, and that is the first lie. -— RoseLysander

  • dancing on the lines

    Some things are made to fall apart, and some things are meant to be -— DaphneAlbus

  • Effortless

    And sometimes, everything is effortless for them. -— RoseScorpius

  • colours and promises

    Every breath, every hour has come to this; one tale among the many that we weave - a Christmas drabble collection - on haitus