The Warrior of the Light

  • What If The Couslands Survived?

    Title. And no, not just M!/F! Cousland. I'm talking the whole family. The survival of the second most powerful family in Ferelden could have interesting political implications in the Civil War and beyond...

  • Dragon Age: Judgement

    Elissa Cousland merges with a Spirit of Justice to save a Ferelden that the rest of Thedas has abandoned. Branded a traitor and abomination, and hunted by the Chantry and the Royal Army, she must work to save those that would curse her very name, from the dark forces that threaten to destroy them all. Slightly AU!

  • Dragon Age: Reckoning

    AU. A world where a young boy avoids the Chantry. Innocence is crushed at an early age. Where politics can turn friends and family into bitter enemies. A tale of demons and spirits, monsters and saints. A land that shall be once again darkened with war. And the rise of one woman, from a line of august blood, whose actions shall alter Thedas forever. Credit to Arsinoe!