
  • City of Clockwork

    So what if Sophie went back in time and told Will and Jem how their story was going to end. How Tessa seemed not to have loved either of them because she continually went back and forth between them. What would they change? How would that affect Clary and Jace? If Clary didn't have Jace, would she have survived the war? (For those who hate Tessa and think Clary is an idiot)

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    Dear reader, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I can walk fine on flat surfaces. I have hobbies outside of staring and breathing. I'm not in love with Edward Cullen. Stephanie Meyer wrote our story wrong, and I'm here to fix it. Do you want to know the real story of how I discovered Edward? P.S. Don't be shocked when it seems nothing like Twilight