
  • Star Wars Rebels - The Boy From Lothal

    Ezra Bridger is gone. Sacrificing himself by pulling Grand Admiral Thrawn into hyperspace, Ezra is lost deep into the Unknown Regions of space. Having brought down the Empire, Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren are determined to find Ezra and bring him home, no matter what it takes and what it costs. Will have some Sabine/Ezra later on, I promise!

  • Star Wars Rebels: The Boy From Lothal

    Ezra Bridger is gone. Sacrificing himself by pulling Grand Admiral Thrawn into hyperspace, Ezra is lost deep into the Unknown Regions of space. Having brought down the Empire, Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren are determined to find Ezra and bring him home, no matter what it takes and what it costs. Will have some Sabine/Ezra later on, I promise!

  • Vader: Knightfall

    A graphic rendition of the night Darth Vader and the 501st stormed the Jedi Temple. Enjoy a front row seat within Vader's head and see his thoughts as he slaughters the heart of the Jedi Order.

  • Evans and Potter

    A possible Harry Potter prequel based during Lily Evans', James Potter's and Severus Snape's time at Hogwarts

  • Harry Potter, Slytherin

    So if Harry Potter was sorted into Slytherin rather than Gryffindor, what would be different? Will Harry still become a hero without the support of Ron and Hermione? How will Harry and Draco influence one another? Will they become friends or enemies? Who lives and who dies as the new timeline warps Harry's inevitable battle with You-Know-Who?