Annabella x

  • 11 Facts About The Harry Potter Characters

    Friendship make prosperity more shining and lessens adversity by dividing and sharing it. This is a compilation of facts about the Harry Potter characters.

  • Satire on the Death Eaters

    This is a character study of the Death Eaters- with a twist. It is a satire, and, I hope, you will find it amusing.

  • A Lily Harmony

    Written for Nanowrimo 2010... Lily Evans wasn't just Harry Potter's mother. She was a daughter, a sister, a friend, a girlfriend. This is her story. Okay, so I failed Nanowrimo spectacularly...

  • A Life Lived In Hate

    "The man takes Dumbledore back many, many years, to a castle shrouded in moonlight and a little boy who had gotten lost." Death Eater's aren't born: they're made. Hogwarts has failed many students, and Dumbledore remembers them all.

  • Black At Heart

    He is a member of one of the most powerful family in the Wizarding world. He upholds purity of the race and sympathizes with the Dark Lord. But, in the end, what he will be remembered for is his family. Orion Black muses on family and failure.

  • Budding Blossom

    And as the flower buds blossomed and the trees were in full bloom, they played. And as the swings swung, and the ground erupted in flowers, they played. Severus Snape and Lily Evans. Always. ONE SHOT. NO ROMANCE.