

  • Torn apart, brought together

    A kingdom. A small town ignored by said kingdom. These two places have not spoken in years; they stay apart. However, when a teenage boy from the small town meets a teenage girl from the kingdom, everything changes. The changes start small, but soon grow into bigger possibilities. If only it was easier. For the kingdoms, and their relationship.

  • Running of the wolves

    Human-wolves are a species of human thought to be extinct, but are all too real. They're just not as dumb as all-blood humans. Young Lloyd doesn't know he is one, because he's never met his father. Bravely he leaves the city of Ninjago to find his kind, and make a new home for himself. But making said home will be hard. No one ever said finding out the truth was easy.

  • Nekotalia: Into the forest

    What happens when England turns himself and a lot of the other countries into cats? What happens when the spirits of dead nations put them in a forest and won't tell them how to reverse the spell? Can they survive as cats roaming in a forest full of who knows what until the spell is reversed?

  • Pride of the kingdom

    A prisoner form The Kingdom Of Stars escapes. Prince Alfred doesn't want to be treated like a child, but also wants to prove himself. He knows the prisoner is innocent, but how can he prove it? And how can he and his friend catch a prisoner? And what is the king of The Kingdom Of Shadows planning in the mean time? Can Alfred clear a prisoner's name and end a coming war?

  • Are you satisfied?

    Arthur Kirkland AKA "Stone Carrier" is a target for bullies at Hetalia high. All things seem to change when a girl saves him from a fight, instead of getting in on the fight. He decides to find this girl. The one person who saved him instead of bully him. RE-UPLOADED STORY.

  • Run away, I'll attack

    Prussia and Hungary both feel they're not as strong as they used to be, so they set out to make the worlds notice them. Little do they know the danger they're walking into when they try to prove themselves to the world. Slight!Pruhun, Blood warning