

  • The Other Half of a Murderer

    In a world where soulmates exist, Naomi Yalden wakes up on her thirtieth birthday baring the initials S.B. on her chest. What she doesn't expect is to first clap eyes on her soulmate that very morning... on the news. SiriusxOC

  • A Very 70s Hogwarts

    Just some Marauder's era drabbles, will most likely include Wolfstar, Jily, and of course, some pranks. There'll also probably be some mother hen James, bad boy Sirius and, my favourite, a wholesome Remus. Not planning on any depressing ones, so we're all uplifting here :)

  • Bee My Honey

    Sirius meets Erin in a playground at the age of seven believing that she's a muggle, but as he watches the grass sway in a magically induced wind he can't wait to spend his Hogwarts years with her. How different will the Marauders be with a girl in the group? Sirius/OC.

  • Livin' On A Prayer

    A one-shot to look in on James and Lily's wedding day, although Harry's a bit older to fit with the story. Fluff. Contains James/Lily, bit of Sirius/Remus and a smidgen of Harry/Ginny.

  • Livin' on a Prayer

    Based off of Bon Jovi's song, Livin' on a Prayer, focuses on Lily and James' wedding. Fluffy. James/Lily, Sirius/Remus and tiny mention of Harry/Ginny.