
  • Harry Potter and Lost Children Parts 1 to 3

    The Dark Lord is threatening the muggle world - what can the PM do? Call in the Spooks

  • Harry Potter and Missing Children parts 1 to 3

    Legacy of the Dark Lord continues. What does the PM do to counter the threat? He calls in the Spooks.

  • Harry Potter and the Lost Children - part 2 LYCANS

    The legacy of the Dark Lord continues. Harry and Hermione must engage the muggle world to solve the mystery of the Lost Children and face the savagery of the Lycans

  • Harry Potter and the Lost Children - part 1 SPOOKS

    What does a PM do when the Minister of Magic warns that Dark Wizards plan to terrorize and subjugate muggles. He calls in the Spooks.

  • Harry Potter and the Magi Books 1 and 2

    Following the battle of Hogwarts the main characters have jobs but there are still loose ends one of which is Crouch jr. Prompted by Hermione they try to put things right but best intentions sometimes lead to unforseen outcomes and take our heroes into the the dark world of the occult to rectify their mistakes.

  • Harry Potter and the Magi

    Couple of years after the battle of Hogwarts the main characters have jobs but there's still loose ends one of which is Crouch jr. Prompted by Hermione they try to put things right but best intentions sometimes lead to unforseen outcomes and take our heroes into the the dark world of the occult to rectify their mistakes.