Pink Hair and Roses

  • Best Served Cold

    Corbett Stackhouse had asked Sookie to read his coworker's mind about a potential business deal, and she'd saved his life savings. He'd promised himself that he would never do it again, but some deals were just too good to pass up.

  • Bite And Switch

    She thought that she'd found her prince, running half naked down Hummingbird Road in the middle of the night. She could have sworn that his kiss had broken her spell and that she was finally living her happily ever after. But it turned out that the curse hadn't been on her, after all. And once his curse had been broken, the only happiness her prince seemed interested in was his own

  • Sunshine Eternal

    On the streets of New Orleans, teen runaway Sookie Stackhouse finally found what she'd been searching for - love, acceptance, and family. What could possibly go wrong? Pre-Rev, AU. It's kind of what I do.

  • Circling The Drain

    After catching the most prolific and notorious V kingpin in the South, Eric and Pam uncover a secret that will change their deaths.

  • Death Wish

    After the Stackhouse family farmhouse was completely destroyed in the fire set by Charles Twining, Sookie finds a beautiful and mysterious object in the cinders and ash. But is it a lucky charm or a monkey's paw?

  • What To Get The Vampire Who Has Everything

    Ever since the takeover - and since Eric had recovered his memories of the week he'd spent with Sookie almost a year before - he had been angry and broody and a pain in Pam's behind. And now, with Christmas coming and no idea what to get for her maker, Pam decided to help him get exactly what he wanted. Whether he liked it or not.