

  • Can't Go Back Now

    AU. Emily-centric, but will focus on the team as a family, as well as Emily building her own family outside of the team. A decision Emily made to give Doyle's baby up for adoption is revisited and ends up changing her life as she knows it. Set during the general timeline of Season 14. Hotch still left the team, but will be part of the story

  • Favorite Worst Nightmare

    AU. Emily-centric. When Ian Doyle was arrested in Italy, Emily was pregnant. She gave the baby up for adoption, but when Doyle was looking for Declan, he found out about the child Emily gave up. What if their child spent 7 months with Doyle turning her against Emily? Will Emily ever be able to undo the damage? Features the entire BAU team and will have lots of the team as a family