
  • This is mine now

    [STRIS] The matter involves a dresser at someone's apartment... Clothes indeed can be real statements.

  • Time with friends is all the therapy you need

    [STRIS] Some days are more eventful than others. After a fun day with her favorite goddaughter, Chris discovers that spending the evening at Lucas' house when he's entertaining new friendships can be exhausting than babysitting a four-year old.

  • Together we will fly

    [STRIS] Chris and Tory Kay are spending the day together. Let's see what a 4 year old and a SWAT agent are up to.

  • Stay calm and eat pancakes

    [STRIS] Lunch for 20 Squad at the Kays and a crisis to solve, but Uncle Jim has the solution. Pure humor to entertain.

  • When life throws you a burger

    [STRIS] This is an addendum to 5x13 Shirt Fuse. A girl's got to eat, enough said.

  • Cuddling with you

    [STRIS] Sleeping arrangements can be such a mess. Sometimes it takes a team to find a solution but not always. Pure silly comedy. A little fun to change. Tag: no drama

  • I can survive anything as long as I have you

    [STRIS] This is an addendum to 5x09 Survive as per request from some of my friends. I couldn't stop at those longing looks. When being alone after a particularly trying day isn't an option.

  • To the moon and back

    [STRIS] They discussed going on a date the day Karen Street died. Now that day had finally arrived. Continuation of Come Fall In My Arms, as per request.